Without you all food tastes the same.
I think about you every time it rains.
I can't stop thinking about the love between you and me.
I can't stop thinking about the possibilities.
You can be my worst headache.
But you're the first thing I think about when I wake.
You are my blood treasure in this life.
You are my only future.
You make my past make sense.
The same way a husband makes a wife.
You make me know that two is the greatest number.
One is too lonely.
One is the number of slumber.
You saw God as a baby, being born to purpose, en route.
If you saw God today, would you remember?
If you saw God many times, would you doubt?
Would you know what you looked like?
Or does all the truth cause you fright?
If God is everything, then God is also lost.
Even when God is gone, you are what I need the most.