Thursday, February 2, 2017

More Than Mind

My self portrait is the brightest light to ever shine.
Mine's not pure.
But it flickers more than yours.
A soul thrown away to strays.
A life saved day by day.
We don't want to live forever.
We just want to know our place in ever's sway.
Your mind wants to be more than it is.
To be more it must vanish.
To be better to must tarnish.
All about divinity we float.
But our minds tell us we don't.
What kind of sick believer are you?
Do you feel the forever thoughts are true?
Be more than mind.
And you will be more than Bliss.
Love more than you are kind.
Feel colors as if you are blindness.
Your suffering is a kiss from minds.
Leave it behind and only freedom you will find.
The thoughts, dollars, wants, and words comprise your cell.
They eat your every moment.
They keep your mind closer to you.
Closer than fire is to hell.
More than mind is the kingdom of depth inside.

More than mind is the playground where angels hide.

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